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Dr. Mohamed Alsir

New law regarding the equivalency for Doctors in Turkey ( Mandatory Training)

New law regarding the equivalency for Doctors in Turkey ( Mandatory Training) :

After passing the STS exam the doctors have a mandatory Training in Govermental educational hospital for 6 to 9 months in ( Medicine - Surgery - Pediatrics- Obs&gyne - Family Medicine - Emergency Medicine ) .

What the benefit from the training ?

Doctors will learn about the Turkish health system , they will gain confidence before starting the real job.

What is the duration of the training and who determines that?

The duration of training ranges from 6 to 9 months .. The competent committee in the Ministry of Higher Education is the one that determines the period after consideration of your papers and certificates.

When can I start training?

There are two conditions to start training:

1) Success in the STS test. 2) Completion of the review period of your certificates, which takes about a year.

Does the law apply to all doctors?

Yes, applies to everyone, whether the doctor is a specialist or a general doctor .. The law will be applied retroactively .. All doctors who have submitted their papers since February 2016 apply this law.

Is there a salary from the Turkish government in this period?


Is there a fee to be paid to the hospital for training?

There is no specific decree from the Ministry of Higher Education demanding payment of certain fees. There are doctors who have been asked to pay fees and there are others who have not been asked. This means that it is up to the hospitals that decide to take the fees or not during the training period.

How is the hospital selected?

The Ministry of Higher Education asks you to choose 3 government university hospitals that you would like to train in, which will locate you to one of these hospitals.

You can choose any government university hospital in any city in Turkey.

I am a general practitioner and I would like to work in Turkey. What steps should I take in short?

1) Learn Turkish. 2) Pass the STS exam. 3) Complete the mandatory training.

I am a doctor I want to specialize in Turkey What steps should I take in short?

1) Learn Turkish. 2) Pass the STS exam. 3) Complete the mandatory training.

4) Pass the TUS exam.

I'm a specialist doctor I want to work in Turkey What are the steps I should take in short?

1) Learn Turkish. 2) Pass the STS exam. 3) Complete mandatory training. 4) Pass the oral exam in the field of your specialization. 5) Work under supervision for 3 months.

Alsir Office for Health and General Services

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