Congratulations to the doctors who have been accepted into the Başkent University Fellowship program , we are waiting to see you soon in Turkey.
- The Number of Accepted Doctors : 22 from 8 Different countries.
- 9 Doctors from Egypt .
- 3 Doctors from Syria .
- 2 Doctors from Algeria .
- 2 Doctors from Sudan .
- 2 Doctors from Jordan .
- 2 Doctors from Yemen.
- 1 Doctor from Pakistan .
- 1 Doctor from Libya .
The list of Accepted Doctors :
1) Dr. Abdelmoteleb Mahmoud Taha Elshemy - Egypt - Fellowship in Neonatology - 1 Year .
2) Dr. Ahmed Ali Ibrahim Wahba Salam - Egypt - Fellowship in Spinal Neurosurgery - 3 Years.
3) Dr. Ahmed Mahmoud Elgarhy - Egypt - Fellowship in Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine - 1 Year.
4) Dr. Ahmed Shaheen - Egypt - Fellowship in Neurology - 3 Years .
5) Dr. Amal Osman İbrahim Ali - Egypt - Fellowship in assisted reproductive technologies (ART) - 3 Years.
6) Dr. Ahmed Bentriti - Algeria - Fellowship in Neuroradiology - 1 Year.
7) Dr. Haider Mohamed Elhafiz - Sudan - Fellowship in liver transplantation - 3 Years.
8) Dr. Ziaya Hamdene - Algeria - Fellowship in GI Endoscopy - 1 Year.
9) Dr. Hend Faysal Alissa - Syria - Fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology - 2 Years.
10) Dr. Hesham Elsyaed Esam Mohammed Khaled - Egypt - Fellowship in Pain Medicine - 1 Year .
11) Dr. Hesham Abdulwahab Ghzayel - Syria - Fellowship in Kidney Transplantation - 3 Years .
12) Dr. Islam Fawzy Mohamed Omer - Egypt - Fellowship in Gastrointestinal Surgery - 2 Years.
13) Dr. Issam Jamal Saadeh - Jordan - Fellowship in Interventional Radiology - 2 Years.
14) Dr. Mohamad Kheder Alhamwi - Suriye - Fellowship in Pediatric Surgery - 2 Years.
15) Dr. Mohammed Abdulkareem Mohsen Al-Olofi - Yemen - Fellowship in Cardiology - 3 Years .
16) Dr. Mohammed Abdallah Abdallwahid Mohammed - Sudan - Fellowship in Gastroenterology - 2 Years .
17) Dr. Mohammed M R Shaat - Jordan - Fellowship in Endourology and Pediatric urology - 3 Years.
18) Dr. Nader Yaslam Mubarak Bin taleb - Yemen - Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery - 2 Years .
19) Dr. Qurrat UL Ain Khawar Raza - Pakistan - Fellowship in Pediatric Emergency - 2 Years .
20) Dr. Sherif Mahmoud Hassan El-Hadidy - Egypt - Fellowship in Medical Oncology - 1 Year.
21) Dr. Yassin Fathy Hassan Hassan - Egypt - Fellowship in Nephrology - 1 Year.
22) Dr. Yousef M Ali Hasen - Libya - Fellowship in Histo-Pathology - 3 Years .

Visit the following Link for more information about Fellowships and Medical Training in Turkey :